small pet only quiet area shower, heating, bathtub American appliances need hook up 15mins to Kadena gate1, 10mins to Torii

1106 sq ft 3 beds 2 baths

4 parking (2 in outside and 2 in garage) quiet area tile flooring no pet dryer need hook up 10 mins drive from Kadena, 15 mins drive to Courtney

5 beds 2.5 baths

toilet open parking space Few minutes to Kadena

600 sq ft 1 bed 1 bath

9th fl available quiet area 2 AC, 3 fitting lights, Curtain rails (in all rooms) are already installed no inspection Mechanical multi-storey car park no pet Negotiable to install Fridge & Washer 5 mins drive to Gate 1, 10 mins to Foster

538 sq ft 1 bed 1 bath

with inspection ask for pet 2 toilet covered parking quiet 5mins to Camp Foster, 20mins to Kadena AB

3 beds 2 baths

quiet area shower, heating, bathtub The beautiful sunset is just 10 seconds away! Only a few minutes walk to SAN-A American appliances need hook up covered parking 10mins to Kadena

1248 sq ft 3 beds 2 baths

bathtub IH stove no pet Washer need to hook up 20 min to Kadena, 25 mins to Foster

954 sq ft 3 beds 2.5 baths