nice ocean, night view from spacious balcony Foster10min Kadena15min from Ginowan

950 sq ft 2 beds 1 bath

brand new with inspection Queen size will fit in the master bedroom 3 car parking 5-10 minutes to Kadena/ 15-20 minuts to Camp Foster/ 25-30 minutes to Camp Courtney no pet

790 sq ft 2 beds 1 bath

Almost Brand New with inspection Queen size will fit in the master bedroom 5-10 minutes to Torii Station/ 20-25 minutes to Kadena please ask for pet

840 sq ft 3 beds 1 bath

Almost Brand New with inspection shower King size bed will fit in the master bedroom 10-15 minutes from Camp Courtney/ 20-25 minutes from Kadena no pet

1500 sq ft 3 beds 1 bath

Star Housing – Umie (¥) 500,000

Star Housing – Umie

(¥) 500,000

with inspection King size bed will fit in the master bedroom. 5-10 minutes to Torii Station/ 20-25 minutes to Kadena please ask for pet brand new

1650 sq ft 4 beds 2 baths