Ace Family Housing Properties

toilet open parking space Few minutes to Kadena

600 sq ft 1 bed 1 bath

Few minutes to Kadena and Camp Foster Walking distance to restaurants / supermarket toilet open parking spaces

600 sq ft 2 beds 1 bath

Walking distance to Rycom Mall Few minutes to Kadena and Camp Foster toilet open parking spaces

650 sq ft 2 beds 1 bath

toilet 1 parking ,.

900 sq ft 2 beds 1 bath

Close to Gate 3 toilet 2 carport

1000 sq ft 3 beds 1 bath

Quiet neighborhood Lots of storage 2 toilet

1400 sq ft 3 beds 2 baths

semi-detached Close to restaurants 2 toilet 2 carport

2000 sq ft 4 beds 2 baths

Properties from Ace Family Housing. AFH is a housing agency located just outside of Kadena Gate 2, easy to walk from the gate to their office. 

They cater to the military community and specialize in helping military families find their perfect home while staying in Okinawa. 

Contact them by clicking on a property you are interested in and filling in the form or you can call them on 098-929-1808. English speaking staff available.